The Health Product Declaration is a standard format that manufacturers can use to self-declare product information. HPDC aims to provide clear instructions and support for manufacturers taking this path.
At the same time, there is increasing demand from HPD users (including designers and certifiers) for verified product and health data. Manufacturers also recognize that they learn more about their products and supply chain when they work with a third-party to verify their data.
To meet this need, HPDC officially launched its Third-Party Verification program in October 2017. In this program, verification of completed HPDs is performed by certified third-party providers. HPDC manages the credentialing and methodology for this independent review and verification of completed HPDs.
Verification is conducted through an objective process by an independent, approved Third Party Verifier. Verification is a separate process, distinct from the creation of the HPD by the manufacturer or a consulting preparer. Verification is initiated by the manufacturer of the product, by contracting with an HPDC-approved Third Party Verifier. Under the guidelines of the program, approved Third Party Verifiers may not be the product manufacturer. If a Third Party Preparer has created the HPD on behalf of the manufacturer, even if certified as a Third Party Verifier, they may not verify HPDs that they have created.
More information, including a list of credentialed Third-Party Verifiers, is on HPDC's website.