HPDC has established Technical Sub-Groups (TSGs) to address specific topics in depth. The TSGs examine issues and formulate recommendations for the Technical Committee. HPDC currently has four TSGs:
- Content Inventory: Assesses need for ongoing evolution of disclosure methodology and data elements in the HPD Open Standard and proposes revisions. It also contributes to development of policies for Special Conditions guiding HPD content inventories.
- Supply Chain: Develops Best Practices for dealing with complex supply chain issues: secondary manufacturers, complex assemblies, proprietary information, etc.
- Third Party Verification: Manages the credentialing and methodology for independent review and verification of completed Health Product Declarations (HPDs).
- Hazards: Addresses issues related to hazard screening and reporting, and other related topics such as GreenScreen methodology, chemical identification systems such as CAS RN, Special Conditions for hazard screening, etc.
Current TSG members are listed below. To express interest in participation and learn more about the nomination process, email info@hpd-collaborative.org.