The HPD Builder is used by manufacturers to create Health Product Declarations (HPDs). Very often manufacturers need to request product information from suppliers in order to complete the HPDs. The HPD Builder allows manufacturers to send data requests to suppliers for them to complete this requests using the Supplier HPD Builder Extension. The two tools are connected through an API which facilitates the supplier data collection while protecting confidential product information.
We invite all manufacturers and suppliers to test these tools and familiarize with the process of data collection and sharing. Specially with the option to not disclose proprietary product data.
Please find below the step-by-step process to request, provide and import supplier's product data from both the manufacturer and the supplier perspective.
1. Sending a Data Request to a Supplier using the HPD Builder
- Go to the HPD Builder and register if you don't have an account yet.
- Once logged in, go to "Factories" and select your company
- Click on "Supplier Parts" and then on "New Part Request".
- Fill in the information and send the request. For testing purposes, you may send this request to yourself.
2. Completing the Manufacturer Request using the Supplier HPD Builder Extension
When a manufacturer sends a request the supplier will receive a notification email with a link to access the request.
- Click on the request link on the notification email. Register for a free account in the Supplier HPD Builder Extension.
- Open the request and scroll down. You will see two blue buttons: "Add Material" or "Import BOM". Click on "Add Material" and fill in the required information.
- Once you have added the material, click on "Add Substance"
- Search the substance under "Name" and fill in the rest of the information. Notice that the last field will allow you to choose whether to disclose the chemical identity of the product or not. Chose "No" to test the safeness of this functionality.
- Your request is now complete. Scroll back up and click "Submit" to send the request back to the manufacturer.
For more information on how to complete requests, you may check the Supplier HPD User Instructions
3. Previewing Part data in the HPD Builder
When the supplier clicks "Submit" the manufacturer will be able to preview the request data in the HPD Builder.
- Log back into the HPD Builder and got to Factories > Factory Floor > Supplier Parts.
- Scroll down and find your request under "Supplier Requests" and click "Preview" to review the supplier information.
- You will see all the information provided by the supplier for materials and substances except for the Name and CAS numbers of substances that have been undisclosed by the Supplier.
- Once the data is reviewed you will be able to import the part and use it to complete Health Product Declaration.
If you have any questions or need technical support, please email us at