The HPDC is a member-driven organization and our work depends on the expertise and experience of volunteers on our committees, which are formed from staff of member organizations. The first step is to become an HPDC member – visit our membership page for more information.
Development of the HPD Open Standard is driven and overseen by HPDC's Technical Committee. Committee members serve two-year terms and are appointed annually by the HPDC Board of Directors. HPDC solicits applications from interested members each year via our email newsletter.
HPD Open Standard development is also carried out by Technical Sub-Groups, or TSGs, which are overseen by the Technical Committee. Subgroup members are selected on the basis of their expertise in the specific topic to be addressed. A call for applicants is typically issued annually for these groups. Members will receive notification when a call for applicants is open.
HPDC also maintains a Manufacturers Advisory Panel and a User Advisory Panel that are open to all members. While they do not play a direct role in development of the standard, they provide useful feedback and recommendations to the Technical Committee.