HPD version 2.3 (https://www.hpd-collaborative.org/hpd-2-3-standard/)became effective in the HPD Builder on July 11th, 2022. All HPDs published after that date must be compliant with HPD v2.3, and the HPD Builder will automatically support this.

The 10,000+ HPDs published to date provide valuable data about materials and substances in building products and materials.  HPD v2.3 looks to increase the data quality and consistency of an HPD, especially focusing on the Special Conditions data elements.  The following summarizes key themes and changes in HPD v2.3.

  • Published HPDs are Now Full Color. An HPD in v2.3 requires a visual indicator that distinguishes unpublished or draft HPDs from published HPDs. An unpublished or draft HPD contains a “DRAFT Unpublished HPD” watermark on the document as well as a gray color. A published HPD will contain an orange color.
  • Third-Party Verified Logo. A “Third-Party Verified” logo with a blue checkmark was also added as a visual indicator and will appear at the top of HPDs that have met the rigorous requirements of HPDC’s third-party verification program. 
  • Indicators for Characterized, Screened, Identified. In, HPD v2.3 indicators have been simplified to show the top-level quality indicators that project teams need to know to understand if the HPD is complete and disclosed. Notation around Special Conditions (“SC”) that was added in HPD v2.1.1 has been removed from the indicators, as these policies have been simplified.
  • Data Consistency for Special Condition Policies. HPD v2.3 introduces data-entry fields customized to these key building material contents. These updates support automated completeness checks, better data validation, and smarter policies. The update also provides visual consistency with other content in an HPD. 
  • Update to Inventory of Material Content HPD v2.3 introduces improved features around inventorying material content.  New data entry fields fit better specific kinds of material addressed in HPDC’s Special Condition policies. It also gives manufacturers streamlined options to enter materials as content and add them to Nested Materials. HPD v2.3 also includes more automated and thorough compliance checks for this data entry, which improves the support to manufacturers and improves the quality of published HPDs.
  • Residual and Impurities Display. HPD v2.3 introduces minor updates to the residual and impurity displays but does not change the reporting process for the manufacturer but modifies the display of the reporting result for better clarity. The term “Completed” (previously “Considered”) is now displayed to indicate whether the manufacturer has completed the Residuals & Impurities evaluation for this HPD.    
  • Multiple Products with Content Differences Greater than 10%. Normally multiple products can be listed on one HPD when they have identical content or the content differences between the products or product types account for 10% or less of the total mass of each product. HPD v2.3 recognizes practical situations in building product manufacturing when that upper limit of 10% may be exceeded.
  • Alternate Materials and Substances. HPD v2.3, the actual percentage weight must be listed for the “Alternates.” An annotation “ALT” or “ALTERNATE” is added to the percentage weight field. Listing rules in v2.2 will continue into v2.3 where an “Alternate” will not appear in the Summary of Contents or other HPD summary sections.
  • Additional Listings. HPD v2.3 has added an “Additional Listings” section that reports when substances appear on key restricted substances lists or other non-hazard listings that are complementary to the hazard listings on an HPD. These listings provide a supplemental perspective for interpreting hazard screening results and support decision-making for manufacturers as they develop new products. This new section is listed below the Hazard Listing and labeled as “Additional Listings.” The Additional Listings are not meant to be a "Pre-Check" for certifications such as Declare.
  • Improved Procedures in Accessories HPD v2.3 provides an easier and clearer way of adding accessory information.  This was done by adding a “Type” field which gives manufacturers more ideas on what to list and provides a clearer view of the product. Clarification was also added that allows manufacturers to use generic entries in the Accessories section. 
  • Update to LEED Pre-Check to Comply with LEED Version 4.1. LEED has been updated to LEED v4.1, while LEED v4 also remains in use. The LEED pre-check in the HPD Builder and Repository display is updated accordingly. While some requirements for LEED remain the same from v4 to v4.1, LEED v4.1 introduces significant new pre-check requirements. Specifically, an analysis of the HPD content inventory, including percentage weights for ingredients and corresponding GreenScreen scores, is required to perform a complete pre-check.

HPD v2.3 carries forward all updates made in previous versions of the HPD Open Standard. You can read more about the prior update, HPD v2.2, here: (https://hpdc.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/8000085423-what-s-new-in-hpd-v2-2-)

For questions on the HPD v2.3 release, suggestions for future developments, or anything else, please post a support ticket on this portal or email cwhite@hpd-collaborative.org.